At Great Lakes Urban, we like to share promising practices in planting community from around the country. Here’s how to engage.
Did you miss our most recent Bright Spots featuring De'Amon Harges? Catch the recording here to learn more about how organizations are connecting neighbors and partnering with funders in Indianapolis.
Also, don't forget to register for our upcoming Bright Spots on October 4th where we'll talk with Seth D. Kaplan about his latest book "Fragile Neighborhoods: Repairing American Society One Zip Code at a Time." Sign up, here.
Seth is a leading expert on fragile states. He is a Professorial Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University, Senior Adviser for the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT), and consultant to multilateral organizations. Register to hear about why American society is in trouble, and how to fix it, starting with the places we call home.