Do you want to deepen social wellbeing? You can do that by building a more connected community, or by supporting those that do. Below are some tips to get you started.
LEARN: Visit to learn more about and register for:
May 31 from 9am-4pm: In-person Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) workshop in Holland, MI. This event will be co-hosted by Great Lakes Urban and Love Your Neighbor
June 8 from 12pm-1pm: Join a virtual Lunch+Learn event with author and ABCD leader, Rev. Lynch, and colleagues, as they share the Roselawn neighborhood story of Cincinnati, OH.
DO: There are multiple ways to generate social connections:
Visit for ideas and inspiration as you build a more connected neighborhood right where you live.
Visit to find an interesting volunteer opportunity at our upcoming Restoring Our Cities (ROC) cycling fundraiser scheduled for September 10, 2022.
GIVE: There are multiple ways to support the mission, including:
Setting up a secure, recurring (or one-time) donation in the amount that's comfortable for you by visiting
Become a sponsor of, fundraise for, or support a rider at our 8th annual Restoring Our Cities (ROC) cycling fundraiser. Learn more at
Stay connected via for more ideas and opportunities. Together, we can make a significant impact this summer and beyond! Reach out to us at with any questions or stories! We LOVE to hear from you!