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  • Great Lakes Urban

Boards & Bikes: Meet Dave Veltkamp

As part of our regular series highlighting members and volunteers, we recently caught up with Dave Veltkamp. Dave serves on the GLU Board and Godfrey Lee Listeners Board, sponsors, rides in and co-leads the annual ROC fundraiser, and is a monthly donor. Check out our interview below!

Can you tell us a little about yourself, Dave?

I am a Partner and Financial Coach with Ideal Life Financial, based in Hudsonville (MI). I'm married to my lovely wife, Becky. Together, we have seven kids, including three daughters-in-law, and eight grandkids. I love my church community, which is in a multi-cultural neighborhood.

You donate a lot of time, talent and treasure. What motivates you?

A lot of it is my upbringing. My mom lived her faith, and I wanted to do the same. Jesus prioritized loving God and neighbor, and that's what I try and do. After college I spent three years in Nicaragua with World Renew running crews building houses. We used local resources and engaged residents in building their own homes. My time in Central America opened my eyes to the needs in the world. These experiences reinforced a sense that I am blessed to be a blessing.

There are a lot of causes. Why do you choose to support GLU's mission specifically?

For me, it was meeting Jay Van Groningen (then on staff and now on the board). He walks the talk. But it's not just Jay. Everyone involved with GLU has a good heart. It's also because GLU gets things done. Everyone works hard to make every dollar count. Plus, we're addressing a growing problem: isolation. And it's doing that by empowering people to build community. We're strategic!

What would you say to others wanting to make a difference in the world?

Ask yourself, 'how am I carrying out the command to love my neighbor?' Find what you care about and where you feel called to give and serve. Get to know GLU in the process and what we're all about. I think you'll find we're making a real difference, and that you can, too!

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Manuel Campins
Manuel Campins
Jul 11, 2023

Dave is a wonderful human being. This organization (GLU) is making a phenomenal difference in the lives of communities!

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