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  • Great Lakes Urban

Stacie Hartwell: Making Social Connections Possible

Want to build strong neighborhoods and cities? There are a lot of ways to contribute. We met with Stacie Hartwell recently to ask her about her support of Great Lakes Urban.

Pictured below are Stacie Hartwell (right) and Wanda Siebelink (left) as they volunteer at the 2021 Restoring Our Cities (ROC) cycling fundraiser.

Stacie, how did you first get involved with Great Lakes Urban?

The first thing I volunteered for at Great Lakes Urban was an annual cycling fundraiser called Restoring Our Cities. It's a really fun event, and the proceeds make it possible to support a couple of new neighborhoods every year, which is great. 2022 will be our 8th year of doing this. The ride will be held on September 10th and people can ride, volunteer, fundraise, or sponsor the event.

We hear you did something unique recently to support the mission. Can you share?

Well, recently it was my birthday. They have a thing where you can sign up through your Facebook account to have people donate to a cause instead of giving you presents you don't really need anyway. So, that's what I did. I listed Great Lakes Urban as the beneficiary.

Thanks, Stacie! Any last words of advice?

Whether it's volunteering, donating, fundraising, or something else, it all adds up, and anyone can do it. You'll feel great for having made a difference.

Learn more at And contact us at with any questions, or to share how you'd like to get involved!

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