Great Lakes Urban is positioned to make a very real difference on issues that matter. And, we've seen incredible growth these past couple of years. What makes that possible? Your ongoing support.
By giving of your time, talent, and treasure, you have inspired hope in disconnected environments. We need your help to keep our forward momentum! Here are two ways to make a difference.
1) Help us reach our ambitious $40,000 goal during our 9th annual family-friendly cycling fundraiser. This year, ROC (Restoring Our Cities) will take place on Saturday, September 9. Rides start from between 8:00-10:00am. All routes (from 5-75 miles long) start from Johnson Park, west of Grand Rapids.
ROC provides an opportunity for you to experience comradery as we cycle through beautiful West Michigan. As noted on the below, there are a lot of ways to get involved. Visit www.ROCcycling.org for details.
Register to ride
Sponsor ROC and get recognized
Donate to GLU or a specific rider
Become a peer-to-peer fundraiser
Organize a team for your church, company, or organization
Volunteer before or during ROC
2) Become a regular donor. Every gift of $5, $50, or more, when contributed regularly, whether monthly, quarterly or annually, really helps! The stability of reoccurring giving helps us plan. You can securely set up a giving schedule at www.GreatLakesUrban.org/Donate. Have questions? Call 937-935-4844.